We offer a large selection of pre-engineered, turn-key water treatment systems, and products to meet the specific needs of any sized commercial or industrial application.
ISOTECH extensive experience in engineering allows us to leverage our vast library of pre-engineered solutions to customize a water treatment solution that best fits the specific needs of each customer.
ISOTECH has extensive experience in designing and manufacturing reverse osmosis (RO) systems, which are used in desalination and many other water purification processes.
RO uses a cross-flow membrane separation process that can reject macromolecules and dissolved substances in a solvent, usually water. Substances retained in the separation discharge stream may be organic or inorganic, and generally have a size of a few angstroms. Separation depends on molecular weight, geometry, load, and other factors.
Some applications of RO include:
* Seawater desalination
* Rejection of boron >95%
* Elimination of bromides
* Recovery of RO concentrate with high TDS
* Reuse of effluent water
* CIP water recovery

– There are several types of reverse osmosis membranes available on the market, including high-rejection, low-pressure, fouling-resistant, and heat
-sanitizable. Choosing the right type and number of membranes for a project depends on both the quality of the water to be treated and the required quality of the finished product (permeate).
– Due to variations in quality, it’s generally necessary to condition feed water to maximize the life of the membranes, and to avoid clogging, encrustation, or degradation.
– ISOTECH works closely with the manufacturer to ensure the most effective membrane is used in the best technical solution.
– Some of the competitive advantages of ISOTECH’S RO systems include:
* Skids built entirely in stainless steel
* Lowest concentrate rejection in the market
* Process reliability
* 24/7 after-sales service
* Low operating cost
* Longer life of filter elements
* Best-in-class pretreatment for high-SDI content
* Preventive maintenance that maintains and improves performance of membranes